Here is a link to a transcript I finally finished of the Q&A which took place Sept. 21/'23.
So, I transcribed it for anyone interested whose first language is not English and who might be interested.
I had a lot of opportunity to observe myself talking about something that used to take up a lot more of my personal mental hard drive than it does now since having retired over three years ago, formally, but before that, operationally, because of Covid.
Shockingly, I couldn't remember the former name of a condition now called CRPS. The former name came to me later, after the Q&A was over. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Here is the video with Jonathan Fass, and Brendan, the person Jonathan worked with and in which DNM was mentioned by name.
It's shocking to me that it would not easily come to mind as it likely would have back in the day before I retired. C'est la vie I suppose. Getting older, different interests these days.
Something else I botched up during the session was a memory I had about hyperpathia, a mechanism about it that Simon Beggs had proposed that I remembered from a pain class I took in 2010. It was in a recorded video that was part of the class, so no wonder I was pretty foggy on details. Later I remembered he talked at length about P2X4 receptors, and that it was an issue with an electron on that particular receptor (I think). Anyway, here is an open-access paper, with Simon Beggs as lead author, for pain nerds, that is all about P2X4 and neuropathic pain because of microglia in the spinal cord exacerbating the situation.
P2X4R+ microglia drive neuropathic pain