Tuesday, August 31, 2021

A Saskatoon adventure

This whole past weekend I was in Saskatoon staying with a friend and her family in their home; I volunteered to be rapid-tested a couple times in the process to make sure no covid bugs were present in the posterior wall of my nasopharynx. 
I did my own swabbing, which although it did not hurt in the slightest, was exceedingly tickly. 
I do not think I could have tolerated anyone else doing that to me - so ticklish. 
It brought tears to my eyes as it was. 
I expect that one's sensory nervous system would easily adapt to repeated testing, however. 

The snot-drenched swab is put into the little test tube and five drops of reagent is added, left for a short period of time, then dabbed on the tester. The strip at the bottom turns pink, which disappears, and a line is left. Or if you are positive for coronavirus infection, two lines are left. 

The kit set up

                                           My negative test result.                  Two lines would indicate a positive test. 


So, why was I in Saskatoon, invited into somebody else's personal covid-free bubble? 
This particular friend had proposed a reshoot of my entire online dermoneuromodulating class at Embodia with a professional film company. She found a space, handled all the logistics, food, everything, including looking after me, most spectacularly and efficiently. She made sure that all who attended the presentation/overview were double-vaxed and masked, including the camera people. 
There was a brief moment of concern when one of the attendees notified her that his girlfriend had tested positive (which is why I took a second test) but as it turned out he tested negative, so we carried on and completed the entire shoot over the 3-day period. 
The camera guys were great, and their lighting and camera equipment impressive. The mic was clip-on, very tiny, and the battery box so small that it and the cord fit easily inside the front of my bra, totally invisible. They used to work for a TV station. It was evident that they were pro, the way they moved around completely silently and signaled to each other with just hand signals.   
On occasion, a train would go by out back, and they would stop me until it had passed out of earshot. But remarkably (and thankfully) that did not happen very often. 


I have come to realize (with slowly growing horror) the extent to which my own profession (physio) is in the process of being taken over by the chakra belief system. A glimpse was gained when an individual I was chatting with used a chakra framework to discuss her neck issues.
A physio. A yoga physio. 
I don't care what people do with themselves or their own brains on their own time, or what they "believe," but I really do not think their belief systems should be imposed on my profession. I want my profession to be science-based. Maybe it never will be.  
I guess I must have been unaware until just this past weekend how deep chakra talk has permeated into the way (probably all yoga-physios) think and speak. Such a slippery slope from there into operator notions of "energy" and "healing." Exact same BS as the massage profession is up against. I have intense disturbing visions of physio becoming awash in crystals and all the other crap that goes with chakra BS.
I don't know how to deal with it.
I mean, I guess it's less (overtly) harmful than the way my profession was taken over by the bone-cracker mentality 40 years ago.
But it may be ultimately MORE harmful in that it uses the same mental shortcut pathways (exceedingly UNcritical thinking) PLUS, it comes all draped in gauzy "spiritual" flowing robes of metaphor, more insidious, less easily dismantled/disconfirmed by scientific investigation.
Sigh. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Yet more weeds. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
I may need a new and better cognitive weed-whacker. ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿง 

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