Sunday, March 15, 2020


Coronavirus has put a halt to almost all travel plans I had this year. 

I'm waiting with bated breath to find out whether or not the Regina class, which has 40 people registered and has been full for weeks already, will be canceled. About a week ago I asked the organizer to find lots of hand/surface wipes to have for the class. She did - 4 large containers of unscented lysol wipes. Mere days and hours before shelves were laid bare by other anxious people. Hopefully they will suffice. Hopefully the class will take place. 
The one in October in Alberta, right next door, is still in the process of being organized. 
Anyway, instead of taking a year off in 2022, which was the original plan, looks like it's this year instead. 
If anyone really wants or needs to take the class this year, they can take it online from Embodia.

Lemonade from lemons. 

I really do need a rest. I've been traveling/teaching non-stop since 2012, a lifestyle which I never expected and I find super-fatiguing. It's nothing like the hectic schedule many of my much younger colleagues keep, but it seems pretty full to me, six or seven or eight strenuous 3-day teaching events, most of them involving long distance flights, per year. My bounce-back-ability gets smaller every time just like my telomeres do. That my rest came earlier than planned is, at a biological level, totally fine with me. I can rest up and beef up at the same time over the coming months. Weight-lifting is something that actually feels good to me when I'm not too tired to do it. I have weights at home that I lift in a variety of ways.

Even so, I found it hard to cancel these plans - I like all the people I've met all over the world. I feel connected to them. An interconnectome I never could have imagined. Now disrupted by a virus (another kind of interconnectome dealing disease and death) that knows no bounds except soap and water and hand sanitizer. 

Social distancing is a big effort. Maybe it should be called biopsychosocial distancing. Thank goodness for small mercies like the internet. One does not completely lose contact with one's friends. And at least, the San Diego Pain Summit took place as usual before travel restrictions started happening in March. It was an infusion of warmth and good times and will have to last for the rest of the year by the look of things right now, today, March 15, the Ides of March. The div-Ides of March. 


  1. We should be in Saskatchewan at some point this summer, I will buy you a coffee at Weyburn Starbucks!

  2. Ha! Deal.
    I think I know you, Suzanne.

  3. It is a shame that the Japanese workshop was canceled because of the covid. thanks for the online class.
