Friday, November 23, 2012

Back surgery: should I or shouldn't I?

If you've been wondering about this, check this out:

In his just-released book, Back in Control: A Spine Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Painorthopaedic surgeon David Hanscom argues against back surgery for back pain. 

Here is his website, Back in Control: Taking charge of your chronic pain treatment. He says, 

"Don’t live in pain: Pain is a perception – nothing more, nothing less. Understanding pain allows you to gain control of your care. Freedom from pain is not possible – with the right tools it is probable."

Then he provides psychosocial tools. 

What on earth would motivate a person whose livelihood is surgery, to advocate for non-surgical approaches to back pain? It sounds like he has likely seen through the mirage he and most of the rest of the medical profession continue to believe and have deliberately or inadvertently helped perpetuate - the societal illusion that pain can somehow be "cut out" of the body. 

This is the opening paragraph from a book review found here
"What kind of a surgeon tries to talk you out of surgery? An enlightened one? Seattle-based Dr. David Hanscom has been performing intricate spinal procedures for over 20 years. He has also suffered from severe burnout, debilitating back pain and anxiety disorders. After much investigation and personal soul-searching, he now shares his revelations in a must-read book, Back in Control: A Spine Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain (Vertus Press, 2012), for all those contemplating, getting ready to embark on or frustrated with surgery of all kinds."
Included is a short video embed of Hascom, explaining what he went through and how he succeeded. 

Thank you for this book Dr. Hascom. Thank you!

The book: Back in Control: A Spine Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain

Tips: Back in Control: Taking charge of your chronic pain

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