Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Photon Therapy

So, here I am in paradise. I've got literally nothing to gripe about here in this idyllic-seeming place, my usual life seems a long way away right now. I'm in a little well-appointed condo in a land where the sun is up almost at least 10 hours a day, and we're talking UP! not masked behind massive cloud cover. It gets hot here. How novel.

This picture is one I took from the balcony at dawn yesterday.

I can feel my brain lightening as the days pass. I have three weeks to decompress fully from 18 years of being/feeling buried in Vancouver winters.

The internet connection had me concerned at first, but out here on the balcony it works great, and all is well.


  1. Your situation sounds wonderful! I spent two weeks in Kauai a few years ago. I was just coming out of a pretty nasty clinical depression at the time, and it was a great place to recuperate and turn up my beauty receptors.
    I am not a big fruit and vegetables fan, but the fruit smoothies over there were terrific. I had one just about every day. A walk. A fruit smoothie. And then resting with a book. That constituted a really nice day.

  2. I can't seem to find a good smoothie place right around here, but I'll keep looking. :-)

    I'm resting with sudoku puzzles.
